

Professor Takashi Kamihigashi, director of the CCSS is the editor-in-chief of a peer-reviewed academic journal "The Jounal of Computational Social Science (JCSS)" that was launched by Springer Nature in January 2018, sponsored by Kobe University.As the world's first peer-reviewed academic journal specializing in computational social science, many papers have been submitted from all over the world and are included in the Web of Science as Emerging Sources Citation Index.

Journal of Computational Social Science

The Journal of Computational Social Science (JCSS) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that ties together groundbreaking research across the strata of the social sciences (sociology, economics, political science, psychology, linguistics, and other disciplines), physics, biology, management science, computer science, and data science. In addition to topics conventionally associated with computational social science, the journal invites contributions that analyze social/ economic phenomena or structures using computational approaches related to, but not restricted to, the following methods or fields:

  • complex systems
  • economic modeling
  • econophysics
  • financial networks
  • risk management
  • urban planning
  • transportation analysis
  • artificial intelligence
  • image processing
  • text analytics
  • computational linguistics
  • numerical optimization
  • simulation-based statistical inference
  • high-performance computing

Volumes and Issues


Volume 7


Volume 6


Volume 5


Volume 4


Volume 3


Volume 2


Volume 1

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