CCSS Database
Historical Database
A. Historical Database; 18th century to 20th century (Before WWII)
(1) Database of Japan's Early Modern Economy
Summary of data
Caption details
- Please cite the contents of this database with the caption as follows;
Database of Japan's Early Modern Economy_yyyymmdd
(the name of the database and the date of publication of the data (Ex.Database of Japan's Early Modern Economy_20240131)
- (1)-1. Data [Excel, 752KB]
- (1)-2. Reference [Preparing]
- (1)-3. HTML Version(Japanese language Only)
- (1)-4. Terms of Use (Japanese language Only)
(2) Modern Japan Macroeconomic Database (MJ-MED)
Summary of data
The Modern Japan MacroEconomic Database (MJ-MED) contains macroeconomic data mainly from the Meiji Period (1868-1912), the Taisho Period (1912-1926), and the early part of the Showa Period through the end of WWII (1926-1945).
Currently, the data includes 1) monthly statistics related to the Japanese economy during the interwar period, including statistics on railway traffic (representing the national output), wholesale price index,
the spot-futures price spread for cotton yarn (representing inflation expectations), the fiscal balance, the effective exchange rate, money stock,
identified macroeconomic shocks in a structural vector-autoregression system (S-VAR), and historical decompositions due to these shocks on the output,
2) monthly Japanese government bond (JGB) yields by maturity during the interwar period, and 3) annual fiscal indicators and public debts.
The first two datasets above are compiled and analyzed in Shibamoto and Shizume (2014), while the third one is compiled and analyzed in Shizume (2011).
- (References)
- Shibamoto, Masahiko, and Masato Shizume (2014). Exchange rate adjustment, monetary policy and fiscal stimulus in Japan’s escape from the Great Depression. Explorations in Economic History 53: 1–18.
- Shizume, Masato (2011). Sustainability of public debt: evidence from Japan before the second world war. Economic History Review 64–4: 1113–1143.
- Shizume, Masato (2021). The Japanese Economy During the Great Depression: The Emergence of Macroeconomic Policy in A Small and Open Economy, 1931-1936, Springer.
Caption details
- Caption details [PDF, 312KB]
- (2)-1. Macroeconomic indicators (monthly) [Excel, 67KB]
- (2)-2. JGB yields (monthly) [Excel, 156KB]
- (2)-3. Fiscal indicators and public debts (annual) [Excel, 28KB]
B. Historical Database; 20th century to 21th century (After WWII)
Under Construction
Market Database
Summary of the data
Under Construction