CCSS School on Computational Social Science
神戸大学六甲台キャンパスにて、計算社会科学研究センターが主催する大学院生向けの『CCSS School on Computational Social Science』を開催しました。
今回のSchoolは、2019年6月に開催した『CCSS School on Computational Social Science』の第2弾で、前回同様、海外から著名な研究者を招聘し開催予定でしたが、新型コロナウィルスの影響をうけ、YouTubeでのライブ配信、無観客での開催となりました。
当日は、School開始に先立ち、主催である計算社会科学研究センターの上東貴志センター長が挨拶を行い、Serge Galam先生(仏・パリ政治学院)、Scott Hale先生(英・オックスフォード大学)、Corrado Di Guilmi先生(オーストラリア・シドニー工科大学) から、ご自身の研究について講義がありました。
楳本大悟 講師(司会、神戸大学計算社会科学研究センター)
Serge Galam先生(仏・パリ政治学院)
Scott Hale先生(英・オックスフォード大学)
Corrado Di Guilmi先生(オーストラリア・シドニー工科大学)
CCSS School on Computational Social Science
※Please be advised that there are important changes. Please see the note below. (2020.02.27)
Jointly supported by RIEB Seminar
Date & Time | Friday 28th of February 2020, 9:00-12:30 Saturday 29th of February 2020, 9:00-12:30 Sunday 1st of March 2020, 9:00-12:45 |
Venue | Frontier Hall 3F (building #29), Rokkodai 1st Campus, Kobe University |
Intended Audience | Faculties, Graduate Students and People with Equivalent Knowledge |
Language | English |
Note | 【Updated on Feb 27】 |
Friday 28th of February
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-9:10 Opening - Takashi Kamihigashi (Director of Computational Social Science, Kobe University)
- Topic
- "Predicting Disruptive and Unexpected Political Events Like the Brexit and Trump Victories: Sociophysics Opens a New Path, Part 1"
- Speaker
- Serge Galam, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (France)
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
- Topic
- "Toward Representative Social Sensing: Addressing Inclusion Bias in Social Media Datasets"
- Speaker
- Scott Hale, Oxford Internet Institute (UK)
Saturday 29th of February
※Please note the program on Feb 29 has been updated.(2020.02.17)
- Topic
- "Agent-based Modelling in Macroeconomics"
- Speaker
- Corrado Di Guilmi, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
- Topic
- "Statistical Mechanics Representation of Agent-based Models"
- Speaker
- Corrado Di Guilmi, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)
18:30- Banquet at a restaurant on campus (advance registration required, free)
※Please note that the banquet is cancelled due to the current circumstance with covid-19. (2020.02.25)
Sunday 1st of March
- Topic
- "Monitoring Health Misinformation: An Early-detection Methodology Using Word Embeddings and Semantic Change Methods"
- Speaker
- Scott Hale, Oxford Internet Institute (UK)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
- Topic
- "Predicting Disruptive and Unexpected Political Events Like the Brexit and Trump Victories: Sociophysics Opens a New Path, Part 2"
- Speaker
- Serge Galam, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (France)